GD Goenka Public School – Patel Nagar, New Delhi


Smart Classes

GD Genk, Patel Nagar firmly believes that by integrating technology with learning provide unbridled advantage to students. Each classroom is equipped with interactive smart boards well equipped with pre recorded concepts. The students are given the opportunity to develop deeper interest into subject matters and learn through highly engaging audio visuals and animations thus helping learners to explore. With the large digital content available in different formats, our classrooms give a perfect platform to the learners to fully engage themselves into the ultimate learning experience.


Students from Grades Playgroup till Kindergarten are provided with nutritive food prepared in in-house kitchen. It is a step towards nurturing the habit of being independent and also developing eating habit amongst the pupils.


The class libraries are so designed to encourage the reading habit in our students. DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) block has been introduced in the regular timetable to inculcate their interest in books. Verity of encyclopedias, fiction and non-fiction, story books, Comic books supplement the collection. The rich collection encourages our learners to find their way into it, and immerse into the joyful reading.


An air-conditioned well equipped infirmary provision provided by the school which is operational during the school hours. Regular medical checkup and records of the students are maintained on regular basis.


Well equipped computer lab has state of art setup to enable students learn beyond books and become tech savy. Soon AI will be introduced as a subject in the curriculum.


We at Goenka firmly believe in empowering students with latest ways of education and thus well fabricated Audio Visual Room is an important part of the learning. AV room is well equipped with comfortable seating, music system, stage and ambience for conducting various Public Speaking activities and in house celebrations.


Fleet of AC cabs and School bus makes the transition to and fro from school smooth and easy. We provide door step pick and drop where ever it is possible. School bus is equipped with GPRS system and live location is shared with the parents by the teacher on duty on daily basis.


Abiding by the pedagogy of madam Maria Montessori, GD Goenka provides well equipped and state of art Montessori lab for skill development of pre scholars. Equipments help in developing gross motor, fine motor, kinesthetic and cognitive skills of the learners.


Music Classes are conducted in a musical environment created in the music room by equipping it with various musical instruments and under the able guidance of an expert students polish their singing skills there by gaining confidence.


Jazz, contemporary and Hip-hop along with free dancing is taken up by the expert dance teacher who trains students to move and groove and thus enhancing their body coordination and flexibility.


All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy. A very old saying still holds the truth especially when we talk about our pre scholars. Indoor play area comprising child friendly rides is the most visited place by our tiny tots and it is mandatory to give 15 minutes to the students to have fun and also such activities encourages sharing and team work.


Free play is when children have full freedom to play in whatever way they want. “They can choose everything – they have the freedom to select their play materials, interest area and even the plot,” explains Zaman. During free play time, children can express themselves in the way that they choose depending on the day, time and situation they are in. “These kinds of opportunities are very important for children,” says Khanom. He fuether says, “You may have a child who wants to draw, but another child will want to play alone with a puzzle. Every child has a different way of expressing their creativity.” Free play forms an integral part of Goenkan way of teaching. Every child is unique and gets an opportunity to express freely during free play time under the observation of the teachers.

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